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Essay Contest - Building Bridges.png

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month!

And we want to hear from YOU. 

We invite the youth of our beautiful community to participate in our creative writing opportunity titled Building Bridges Beyond Violence: My View.

Who can participate: Youth between the ages of 12-25 years old and live in Nevada County.

The best part: We will award those who submit the first 25 essays a $150 Visa gift card; all other participants will receive a reward to be determined!

To learn more about Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - click here.

Todos los servicios son gratuitos, confidenciales y no discriminatorios.

Step One

desmond tutu.jpg

Read and ponder the following:

Desmond Tutu was a  South African Anglican bishop and theologian, known for his work as an anti-apartheid and human rights activist. He once said:


We need to stop jumping in the river to save people; we need to go upstream to find out why they’re falling in.

This popular allegory illustrates the importance of solving public health issues—such as violence prevention—by getting to the root of the problem:


As you’re standing by a river and see someone drowning as they float downstream, you jump in to save them. But, as you try to save more drowning people, you realize you need to go upstream to discover what is causing so many people to fall into the river. You discover a hole in the bridge where people are falling through.

Step Two

Students Taking Exams

Writing Prompt


What are some bridges that need to be repaired in our community that can help prevent teen dating violence?


Be creative!

Bright Idea.png

Step Three

Clicking on a Tablet

Submit Your Work


Once you have finalized your writing, you may submit it

via our easy online form.

More Details:

Youth between the ages of 12-25 years old and live in Nevada County.

One submission per person.

Deadline: April 1, 2022

Length: 1000 words or less


Get Paid!: The first 25 submissions will receive a $150 Visa gift card. 

All other participants will receive a reward to be determined.

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